Propelling paper planes
M.I.A to tradition
The Lagos Lost boy
who still cant tell the difference
between his strength and his conditioning
He drains the life of loose women
like Mankind do to animals
but life's a cancer
so who's the real victim
Mirror, I can't see myself in your reflection
Invisible to the politics you elected
I've accepted that I will remain on these edges
drain the rats for guilty pleasures
Eat the flesh of my flesh
because I don't know any better
Wait, mate, blud,
blood is thicker than water,
but theres something in the water
so gentrify the disorder
they never asked the underdog in the corner
Vlad has a taste to divide and conquer
Conflict is rich,
the sickness get poorer
Stalking in the shadows
Nosferatu sucking life from bone marrow
The target is always channelled
Cupids fantasy for red arrows
Undead inflict lynching
out of mind slaves to time
What else is there to do
When you don't get no sunshine